Eiffage Construction realizes the new Orange headquarters in Lyon in concrete with recycled aggregate

Eiffage Construction suggested to Orange to build its future regional headquarters in the Lyon Part-Dieu district with concrete of recycled aggregate. In an effort to improve its carbon footprint, Orange praised this virtuous initiative. Therefore, Eiffage Construction has decided to collaborate with LafargeHolcim, which uses the aggneo® circular economy to reduce the extraction of natural resources, limiting CO2 emissions and providing nearly 11,000 m3 of recycled concrete for the construction of two new buildings.
In charge of the Macro-Lot Closed and Covered, Eiffage Construction has been working since November 2018 to extend the telephone exchange Lacassagne by building two new buildings in R+8 on behalf of Orange. Goyer, a subsidiary of the Eiffage Group, was chosen to make the metal facades. Designed by the two architectural firms Hubert Godet and Hardel Le Bihan Architects, this service complex is expected to be launched in early 2020 and will accommodate nearly 2,000 Orange employees. In line with its circular economy approach when putting up buildings, Eiffage Construction is partnering with LafargeHolcim to make this tertiary project an emblematic reference in terms of circular economy and sustainable development.
Of the 18,200 m3 of concrete used for this operation, 60% incorporate recycled aggregates into their formulation. These concrete, which meet the EN 206 CN standard for structural concrete, are of similar quality to traditional concrete. The recycled aggregates used for the formulation come from LafargeHolcim’s aggneo® offer, which offers comprehensive waste management offers for all types of construction sites, and more specifically solutions for the reception, management and exploitation of inert spoil from the construction sites to all actors of the construction industry (Building, Public Works and Industry).
Quality concrete formulas have been developed and implemented at the Lafarge d’Herriot power plant to finally be delivered on site. This operation reinforces Eiffage Construction’s desire to develop its low-carbon offer in the continuity of the pilot project of the Ateliers gaité Montparnasse or the LaVallée district in Châtenay-Malabry, exemplary in terms of environmental steering since its conception.