Health and Safety


With respect to people

Our support in health and safety of the employees is the result not only of  the legal obligations, but also a respect for employees and subcontractors.


Health and safety

  • Sensitizing employees through information campaigns and individual mobilizing actions
  • Training such as the compulsory safety quarters or supervisors’ training on risk prevention
  • Multi-factor accident analysis
  • Providing safe methods and working tools
  • Improving the quality of equipment to prevent occupational diseases and injuries resulting from chronic overloads of muscles
  • Replacing the most dangerous materials with others, less harmful
  • The safe and secured workplace
  • Sharing good practices

The standards observed at Eiffage in Poland are confirmed by the certificate of the health and safety management system according to ISO 45001:2018.

Eiffage Polska Budownictwo S.A. is one of the signatories of the Agreement for Construction Safety.

The Agreement for Construction Safety is an initiative of general contractors aimed at improving safety and zero out the risk of accidents on Polish construction sites. Companies associated in agreement promote the culture of safety, by making aware of the risks on the construction sites, and consequently contribute to the elimination of the risk.