Cornerstone laid for Jagielloński Park and LifeScience Technology Incubator in Krakow


An official cornerstone ceremony marking the beginning of the construction of LifeScience Park was held at 14 Bobrzyńskiego St. in Krakow (near Jagiellonian University Campus No3) on April 3rd, 2008. The first stage of the project will be carried out by Eiffage Budownictwo Mitex SA.
Under the terms of the contract the company is to design and construct Jagielloński Park and Technology Incubator building, which is to be leased out to large well-established international corporations operating in the LifeScience segment of the industry. The project involves constructing a prism-shaped structure with a 5,980 m² triangle base. The facade of the three-story building with a partial basement will run along Michała Bobrzyńskiego St. The scope of the Eiffage Budownictwo Mitex SA’s works includes installation of internal and external systems such as electrical wiring, water and sewage, central heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, roads and pavements, and an external lighting system. Jagiellońskie Centrum Innowacji Sp. z o.o. is the investor of the project, which is to be completed by November 2008.